Class: RubyTerraform::Commands::StatePull

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Wraps the terraform state pull command which pulls the state from its location, upgrades the local copy, and outputs it to stdout.

This command “pulls” the current state and outputs it to stdout. As part of this process, Terraform will upgrade the state format of the local copy to the current version.

The primary use of this is for state stored remotely. This command will still work with local state but is less useful for this.

For options accepted on construction, see Base#initialize.

When executing an instance of StatePull via Base#execute, the following options are supported:

  • :chdir: the path of a working directory to switch to before executing the given subcommand.

The Base#execute method accepts an optional second parameter which is a map of invocation options. Currently, the only supported option is :environment which is a map of environment variables to expose during invocation of the command.


Basic Invocation

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from RubyTerraform::Commands::Base